Works by Coomer

45-Degree Miter Sled

Nov 27, 2020

45-Degree Miter Sled lmage

Allows me to cut close-to-perfect mitered corners like on picture frames.

A free piece of MDF is the base, with two bottom rails made of hickory glued and screwed in. These allow the sled to sit in the recessed grooves of the table saw surface so it stays perfectly in place horizontally/rotationally as it slides.

On top, there's free strips of plywood glued to the board to form a perfect 90 degree angle. The workpieces you're cutting sit against these while they slide past the blade, creating two cuts (one on each side) that add up to a perfect 90.

The 2x4 in the rear middle of the sled is just a handle and blade guard. All the top pieces are glued on, as well as screwed on from the bottom with countersunk holes so they don't interfere with the table top.

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