Garage Mini Split Install Completed
Oct 31, 2022
Installed a Pioneer mini split in the garage to provide heat and a/c.
Model number WYT012ALFI19RL, 12,000 BTU (half the BTU of the house unit, but the max I could run on a 120 volt circuit), 120volt, low ambient so works down to -13F.
Cooling capacity of 12,000 BTU/hour with 20.0 Seer efficiency.
Heating capacity of 12,000 BTU/H with 10.0 HSPF efficiency.
Currently runs off of the house outdoor receptacles 20A circuit using a Yellow Jacket 12/2 extension cord.
Cost for the unit was $944 with tax and free shipping to Home Depot store. Extension cord (which immediately got butchered to hardwire one end to the outdoor unit, but eased install temporarily) was $107 with tax, and I had the rest of the parts and tools necessary. Used Guy's manifold gauges once again to save $150+. The Stark vacuum pump was purchased for the first mini split install and still worked well.
And this time I made sure to close the low pressure valve before releasing any refrigerant, so that's good (a mistake I made on the first install.) Install went very well this time with minimal mistakes.
Lines are routed through a 1/4" plexiglass panel that replaces one of the six glass window panes. Bosch jigsaw plexiglass blades were used to make the hose cutout, but I don't recommend long straight cuts with the plexiglass jigsaw blades, as they tend to just heat the plexiglass enough for it to fuse back together. The final panel (after the first one broke trying to break the fused-together cut lines) outside dimensions were cut out with a circular saw.